Day Three


Jesus is Mighty God. When we are in need, He is able to heal and fix our hearts.

Today we see how nothing is too difficult for Jesus. He gave sight to the blind and hearing to the deaf. He enabled the crippled to walk again and healed people with incurable conditions instantly. He demonstrated His power to not only restore our bodies but our hearts as well. Jesus is the Mighty God that rescues us from our sin—something we cannot do by ourselves.

Not everyone accepted Jesus as being sent by God. The Pharisees were religious leaders at the time and hated what Jesus was doing. Like today, many had sin in their hearts that needed to be healed by Jesus’ love. Jesus can heal and save each of us, no matter who we are.

Fixing the Sin in human’s hearts is God’s priority. Having the sin in our hearts fixed is our greatest need.

In one story in the Bible, Jesus heals ten lepers. Nine of the lepers walk away, not realizing that Jesus is God. Only one returned to thank and worship Him—even though the leper was a Samaritan, someone who wasn’t allowed in church. This shows that Jesus can heal and save us, no matter who we are, if only we ask Him.

Here is the portion of the Bible from 2 Timothy 3:14-17 that we learned today.

“But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have firmly believed, knowing from whom you learned it, and how from childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness…”

We are starting to see that God’s Word makes us wise for salvation.

Jesus is God.

Our friends, Jane, Stephanie, Daphne the Dog, Ricky, and Fred learn the importance of memorizing Bible verses, and find their hearts beginning to stir as they grow closer to God in the process.

Take a moment to read Mark 2:1-12 and Luke 17:11-19.  What clues can we learn about Jesus here?

Today’s clue is that Jesus is mighty God, and that He came to rescue His people from sin. God is who He says He is.

  • Jesus came to rescue His people from sin.
  • We also learned that everyone has sinned; nobody is righteous.
  • Jesus healed incurable conditions to prove that He is God and able to heal our hearts and sin.
  • The Pharisees did not like what Jesus said or did. They did not see that He was Mighty God even though they were the most important people in their church.Only one leper out of ten realized that Jesus was God and returned to thank Him and praise Him, even though the leper was a Samaritan, someone who would never be allowed inside of a church.

Sylvester Sleuth uncovers what it means to be mighty, looks at the miracles of Jesus, and helps explain what it means for Jesus to be Mighty God.

Going back to Mark 2:1-12 and Luke 17:11-19, what evidence have we found about who Jesus is?

  • Jesus is the Mighty God who came to Earth to heal our hearts and forgive our sins.
  • Everyone has sinned; nobody is righteous. Do you think we can earn God’s approval by leading a good life?
  • Jesus sees us in our sin and will heal us if we ask Him.
  • We should show our gratitude to God every day for His blessings, big and small. What are you thankful to God for today?

Help your children navigate besetting sins in their lives through this list.

Today’s Games:

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