
Zack Carden

Family is an essential part of our growth and formation in life. The Lord called me to Himself at the age of 17, out of a very broken family situation. When He called me to pursue ministry years later, it was first born out of a desire to help teenagers struggling with life. Throughout the course of my time in ministry, I’ve worked with different families. I’ve worked with kids via children’s ministry, student ministry, and college ministry. Throughout my time in those ministries, time and again, I’ve seen just how essential family is to our growth in Christ. Often we minister to families in pieces, but I am thankful to take on the role of facilitating our age-based ministries to more effectively minister to whole families as well as assist in equipping parents in the discipleship of their children. As a husband of seventeen years and a father of four, I look forward to partnering with other parents and our church ministries to see the children of the church grow into a generation that loves and serves the Lord.