Our Location:
3585 Northside Parkway NW
Atlanta, GA 30327
About Us:
How Can I Be Saved?
Our Leadership
Our Team
Join us as we grow closer to Jesus and each other.
Ministry Coordinator:
Lauren Ezell | lezell@apostles.org
Sign up for our newsletter so we can let you know when we have our next event!
Our desire in meeting together is to intentionally connect with one another, grow as disciples of Jesus Christ, and be equipped to live our lives for the glory of God. Join us on Thursdays from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. for Bible study, followed by dinner out together.
Contact: Mark Johnston at mjohnston@apostles.org
Join young adults from several local churches on the second Thursday of each month from 6:30 to 9:00 p.m. at Boxwood Social Hall. Enjoy an evening of community featuring dinner, worship, and teaching from the Word.
Contact: Lauren Ezell at lezell@apostles.org
Learn More »CORE is designed specifically for people in their 20s, 30s or 40s. We understand that whether you’re single or married, juggling the demands of jobs and family life can often leave little room for God and meaningful community. CORE offers 30 minutes of teaching followed by group discussion and meets on Wednesday nights at 6:00 p.m. in the fall and spring.
Contact: Gracie Earnest at gearnest@apostles.org
Learn More »Genuine Wisdom meets quarterly with the aim of creating a space for women in their 20s and 30s to share life, be encouraged, and be inspired in the day-to-day journey of following Jesus. At our gatherings, women from different generations share with one another and help each other grow.
Contact: Lauren Ezell at lezell@apostles.org
Radical Mentoring is a unique men’s small group mentoring process designed to equip the next generation of men to form thriving relationships with God and others. Meetings are set up to minimize conflicts with work and men’s busy schedules. Groups explore a wide variety of timely discipleship topics and practices, meeting together monthly for discussion, community, and encouragement to become more like Jesus.
Contact: Cris Jackson at cjackson@apostles.org
Learn More »The Hub is designed for men of all ages to be equipped, encouraged, and empowered for real change. Join us on Tuesdays from 7:00 to 8:00 a.m. for a complimentary light breakfast, challenging teaching, and interactive discussion around the tables.
Contact: Jeff Falkowski at jfalkowski@apostles.org
Learn More »Gather in community with young adults in and around Atlanta for a festive atmosphere, exceptional food, live music, and a special speaker that confronts relevant life issues with truth and grace. (check the calendar for the next Big Event)
Sign up for our newsletter so we can let you know when we have our next event!
If you have questions or would like more information, please contact Dave Hubbard or Lauren Ezell.