Paul wrote in Ephesians 2:13-14:

“But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ. For he himself is our peace, who has made us both one and has broken down in his flesh the dividing wall of hostility.”

These verses remind us of how the Temple was structured with walls and layers where only certain people were allowed. There was an outer court where Gentiles were allowed to gather and pray, but they couldn’t go into the inner court – there was a separation. Even in the inner court, where the Jews were allowed to pray and bring their sacrifices, there was a place for priests alone – it was another separation. Lastly, the final separation was found in the Holy of Holies, a place for the Ark, which represented the very presence of God.

Paul tells us that Christ’s death tore down the walls of hostility. How so? First and foremost, though we were, by nature, objects of wrath, Christ’s sacrifice tore down the Holy Veil so we can approach the throne of grace. He removed the dividing wall between Him and us, making us a kingdom of priests. Regardless of where we come from, what we look like, how many resources we have, we can be reconciled to God in Christ.

But that isn’t the only wall that was broken down – all the walls of the Temple were broken. Paul’s point is this: if, through Christ, God tore down the wall of hostility between God and Man, then believing Jews and believing Gentiles have no grounds to keep their own dividing walls of hostility between them.

This is a good reminder for us. As individuals, we have a lot of differences, pursuits, likes, and dislikes. We come from various backgrounds and diverse cultures, but our commonality, the thing that brings us together, is our love for Jesus Christ. It’s when we come back to the truth of Who Christ is in His Word that we are truly unified.

When different perspectives might challenge us, it is the one perspective that Jesus is Lord, that God’s Word is true and living and active, that brings us back to our common perspective. It is in that commonality that we can truly make a difference for Christ in this world.


Matthew 27

Ephesians 2:13-14


Consider how Christ has torn down the walls between God and man and what that means for our interactions with one another.


Please pray that the Lord brings unity to His church body – for His glory and the spreading of the Gospel.