Promotion Sunday begins September 11th. Infants-4s will have classes both during the 9:00 a.m. and the 10:30 a.m. hour. Elementary students in Kindergarten-4th grade will have classes during the 9:00 a.m. hour only.

Sunday Morning | 9:00 a.m. | 8:45 Check-In
Children’s Hall
*Check-in at Kiosk for loving nursery care.
Sunday Morning | 9:00 a.m. | 8:45 Check-In
Children’s Hall
*Check-in at Kiosk for classroom assignments for teaching and activities from our Apostles Bible Study series.
Sunday Morning | 9:00 a.m. | 8:45 Check-In
Children’s Hall | Classes by Age and Grade.
*Check-in at Kiosk for class assignments. The children will study our Apostles Bible Study series.
Sunday Morning | 9:00 a.m. | 8:45 Check-In
Children’s Hall | Classes by Age and Grade.
*Check-in on the 5th floor. Elementary children will learn more about God by studying “Truth:78.”
Sunday Morning | 10:30 a.m. | 10:15 Check-In
Children’s Hall
*Check-in at Kiosk for loving nursery care.
Sunday Morning | 10:30 a.m. | 10:15 Check-In
Children’s Hall
*Check-in at Kiosk for classroom teaching and activities from our Apostles Bible Study series.
Sunday Morning | 10:30 a.m. | 10:15 Check-In
Children’s Hall
*Check-in at Kiosk for class assignments. The children will study our Apostles Bible Study series.
Sunday Morning | 10:30 a.m. | Room 422
Our students gather in room 422 for a time of worship, teaching, small group discussion, activities, snacks, and more! We will walk through the Biggest Story Curriculum, focusing on New Testament gospel stories.
*Fifth graders are invited to worship with their parents in the sanctuary.
Wednesday Nights | 6:00 p.m.
3rd Floor • Loving Nursery Care
Check-in at Preschool Nursery Desk
Loving nursery care, stories, and activities are provided while parents attend the Midweek Prayer Gathering or Bible classes.
Wednesday Nights | 6:00 p.m.
3rd Floor • Stories and Games
Drop off at 423; Pick up on the 3rd Floor
Preschool children enjoy worship through music, practice scripture memorization, and learn Biblical truths while enjoying activities. They will present a program at Christmas and Easter.
Wednesday Nights | 6:00 p.m.
4th Floor and STS Gym • Running Church and fun lessons that stretch our faith.
Drop-off on the 4th floor, Room 423; Pick-up on the 3rd Floor, Children’s Hall
Elementary children enjoy worship through music, practice scripture memorization, and learn Biblical truths while enjoying activities. They will present a program at Christmas and Easter. The evening ends with fun and games.