Summer 2024 Sunday Morning Classes

Summer classes meet from 9:00–10:15 a.m. on Sundays

Classes start June 2 (unless indicated otherwise)

If you would like to fellowship with other believers, study the Word of God, and pray, please register for a class below.

All classes meet in person unless indicated otherwise. If you register for a class that is also offered online, you will receive an email containing the Zoom link.

Please note you may still register even after a class has started.

For more information, please contact
Rhonda Saduddin at

Evidence Forum: The Case for Christianity
Ends August 18

James Saxon
Room 229 ABC

As a follow-up to the Life Imprint Dinner, which featured Lee Strobel’s journey from skepticism to faith, we will explore the evidence for the Christian faith covered in Strobel’s classic book, “The Case for Christ.” This format allows for a thorough consideration of many of the 13 questions Strobel posed to experts, and we will dive into a time of Q&A as we explore the material. The class is open to all parties interested in examining the evidence (members, visitors, and skeptics), and Dr. James Saxon, the Director of Evangelism at Apostles, facilitates it.

We will look at questions like:

  • Is there credible evidence for Jesus outside His biographies?
  • Does archaeology confirm or contradict Jesus’ biographies?
  • Is the Jesus of history the same as the Jesus of faith?
  • Was Jesus’ death a sham and the resurrection a hoax?
  • Was Jesus seen alive after His death on the cross?
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Family Connection
Applying the Gospel to Family Life

Jeff Falkowski and Cris Jackson
Room 620-623

Life can be fast, hectic, and sometimes overwhelming. In such environments, it is helpful to take time to nurture your soul for your own good and the good of your family. We invite you to the Family Connection class to strengthen the core of your life and family. We will explore the rock-solid resources in God’s Word together while sharing with each other in community. We will look at the Scripture to process how living through the Gospel impacts the quality of our daily lives. Come gather with others and learn how to develop healthy, God-centered rhythms to help us rest in Christ. Visit this class. Make it your weekly habit. You will be glad you did.

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Jesus’ Farewell Address in the Gospel of John

Tom Taylor
Room 237ABCD
In-Person or Online

We will look at John 14 – 17, where we find Jesus teaching his disciples and us a great deal about our Heavenly Father, the Holy Spirit, Himself, and how we are to relate to each other. There will be a strong focus on the life application of these scriptures.

Since this is a summer class, come join us, and you will meet others from Apostles you don’t normally run into.

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Man’s Identity in God
Men’s Group

Bruce Cerbone
Room 239

Our biggest challenge as men is understanding who we are and our purpose. When we begin to realize that our identity and purpose are directly tied to God, we are free to be who he has designed us to be. Join us as we dig deeper into God’s Word and study the men God has used to enhance His Kingdom and change the world. Let’s learn and encourage each other to follow God’s will and purpose for our lives as men of God to change today’s world.

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The Joy of Suffering

Lawrence Shaw
Room 616
In-Person or Online

Suffering is a significant theme in the Bible, yet most of us instinctively want to avoid it like the plague. That’s a mistake. While suffering is inherently unpleasant, some perspectives suggest it can serve as a catalyst for personal growth, resilience, and positive change. James 1:2-4 says, “Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.” Romans 8:18 says, “For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us.”

The Joy of Suffering Bible class will explore this challenging topic from many perspectives while always steeped in biblical truth. We will seek to understand why we avoid suffering so we can have transformative change rooted in our love for Jesus Christ. As those of you who have participated in our past summer classes know, this class will be engaging, educational, interactive, intimate, inspirational, and entertaining, using various tools to compound our learning and fellowship experience.

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Hope and Healing Summer Series
July 7 – 28

Rand Eberhard
Room 611

“Glory Revealed – How the Invisible God Makes Himself Known”

“The Lord your God is among you, a warrior who saves.  He will rejoice over you with gladness. He will bring you quietness with His love. He will delight in you with shouts of joy” (Zephaniah 3:17)

The Lord makes Himself known to us in many ways. Through creation, circumstances, people, and everything else, the Lord is with us, and He is for us. We have an incomplete view of who God is, and Jesus came to clear that up. Nowhere else can we see God more clearly than through Jesus. His Word speaks into our lives – convicting, comforting, clarifying, and calling us to live a life that brings honor and gives glory to him. Come learn how God can be most glorified through us regardless of what life presents.

This class will use the insights from David Nasser’s book Glory Revealed—How the Invisible God Makes Himself Known. Other concepts and my personal story will also be referenced. Join Pastor Rand Eberhard, Director of Congregational Care, as he revisits hope and healing in the church.

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Equipping for Intentional Christian Grandparenting
July 28 – August 18

Facilitators: The OASIS Grandparent Team
Room 607-610

Join us so that together, we can be inspired, encouraged, and better equipped to intentionally perpetuate a legacy of faith in our adult children, their spouses, our grandchildren, and generations beyond.

This offering will provide practical help featuring all new material. Each week, we will listen to a different video from a featured national speaker and discuss the topics below around our tables:

  1. Unpacking the G-R-A-N-D-P-A-R-E-N-T-I-N-G acrostic for Intentional Christian Grandparenting
  2. Building strong relationships with our in-laws
  3. Building character in our grandchildren
  4. Five biblical principles for dealing with setbacks to being intentional and influential in our grandchildren’s lives
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Lessons Learned
August 4 – 25

Brian Maxwell
Room 229 ABC

How awful to lie on your deathbed and wonder what it’s all meant and whether you mattered to anyone! God likewise abhors the thought. Biblically, while all souls may fail, the wise soul learns from his failures, whereas the fool does not. Thus are the wise saved from the despair of life on a treadmill, leading nowhere and meaning nothing.

This four-week class will reveal lessons I’ve learned from my own and others’ failures while counseling these past 26 years – lessons that may offer meaning to those of us hoping to avoid an empty life.

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Was America Established as A Christian Nation, And Does It Remain One Today?

Bobby Mitchell, Sr.
Room 243
In-Person & Online

If the answer to those questions is “Yes,” then we need to determine how we should live.  This class is based on the application of God’s Word to today’s culture. What are the challenges and the call on our lives? What is the role of revivals and awakenings? How can we, as Christians, stand up and make a difference? Will God bless us again, or is this the end times? Come join us for this challenging study!

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More Classes

We offer other weekday Bible classes where you can learn God’s Word from experienced Bible teachers. Find out what the Bible says about current events, your life, and more.

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