Jeremy Ezell

I am the prodigal son of a Baptist Minister. Throughout High School and into College, I served the church through worship ministry but wandered from the faith for a few years. Jesus did not let me wander far. He not only called me out of my wandering but also into his service. I remember feeling the Lord impressing upon me that I was using my gifts everywhere except in his church, which was not ok. I surrendered to serve wherever the Lord wanted.

My heart’s ambition is to serve Christ’s church. For the last several years, my wife, Lauren, and I have been honored to serve The Church of The Apostles through music. Prior to serving on staff at Apostles, I was an Elder and Worship Director in a church plant in East Atlanta.

I believe music is an important part of worship as a powerful means of Gospel proclamation and a meaningful discipleship tool. The Apostle Paul encourages us in Colossians 3:16 to “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.”

The music ministry at Apostles seeks to encourage Christ-centered worship by singing the word of God. We strive to write, record, and plan music that exalts the name of Jesus, edifies the body, and expresses the beauty of the Gospel.