Winter/Spring 2024 Sunday Morning Classes

Winter / Spring classes meet from 9:00–10:15 a.m.

Classes start January 7 (unless indicated otherwise)

If you would like to get connected in fellowship with other believers to study the Word of God and pray, please register for a class below.

Please note you may still register even if a class has started.

For more information, please contact
Rhonda Saduddin at

Breakthrough Living – Acts

Bob Brackin
Room 242
In-Person or Online

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Juda and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” — Acts 1:8 (ESV)

We continue our spiritual journey through the New Testament in the chronological order in which the books were written. Since we completed Paul’s letters last year, we will now study Acts, Luke’s history of the early church. The book of Acts focuses on the power of the Holy Spirit as it empowered and guided the ministries of Peter, Paul, and others to expand the church beyond Jerusalem to the Gentiles. Despite resistance and persecution, these early apostles and saints persevered in living and sharing their faith. Their examples strengthen and encourage us today as we respond to God’s call on us to faithfully live for His Kingdom in a culture that is becoming increasingly hostile to the faith.

These interactive, discussion-oriented teachings are led by class members who are mature in the faith, who love God’s Word, and who align their daily walk with their heavenly calling.

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Conversion Clarity

James Saxon

The Conversion Clarity course is designed to help believers or those who are considering Christianity to fully comprehend the salvation experience that springs out of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Many people are struggling in their spiritual journey because they are trying to function with either a shallow or shaky foundation. The course is taught in a discovery format through small groups observing related passages of scripture with a facilitator and is, therefore, highly participative. The desired outcome is to develop in participants a thorough understanding of the full implications of what it means to have a healthy, functional relationship with God through Jesus Christ.

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Family Connection

Jeff Falkowski and Cris Jackson
Room 620-623
In-Person Only

Life can be fast, hectic, and sometimes overwhelming. When the pressure is on, it is vital to intentionally nurture your soul for the good of your home. To this end, plan on meeting up with the Family Connection class to strengthen the core of your life, marriage, and family. We will explore the rock-solid resources in God’s Word together while sharing with each other in community. Here, we will look at the Scripture to process how believing “Christ given for you as a gift through faith” impacts the reality of our daily lives. Come gather with others and learn how to develop healthy God-centered rhythms so that we can live at rest in Christ. Visit this class. Make it your weekly habit. You will be glad you did.

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What about…?

Tom Taylor
Room 244
In-Person or Online

We will study some of the difficult passages in the Bible so that we can better explain them to our friends so that they will want to know more. We will cover topics like:

What does the Bible say about money and government? What is the unpardonable sin and what does total forgiveness mean? How can we better understand the Trinity and explain it to our non-Christian friends? How do we explain Heaven and the End Times?

We will be taking ideas and questions from the class, so feel free to bring your own.

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Jeremiah: Prophet at the Judgement

Lee Holston
Room 243
In-Person or Online

We will look at God’s last warnings to a society in the process of being judged and how the people responded to that message before the destruction of all they thought sacred and unchangeable.

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Men’s Group – Man’s Identity in God

Bruce Cerbone
Room 203
In-Person Only

Our biggest challenge as men is understanding who we are and our purpose. When we begin to understand that our identity and purpose are directly tied to God, we are free to be who he has designed us to be. Join us as we dig deeper into God’s Word and study the men God has used to enhance His Kingdom and change the world. Let’s learn and encourage each other to follow God’s will and purpose for our lives as men of God, to change today’s world.

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S.A.L.T. (Single Adults Living in Truth 40 and above)

Mike Glass
Room 614-615
In-Person Only

Whether you’re new to Apostles or want to connect with our singles community, this gathering is for you. Join with other mid-singles, ages 40 and above, to build friendships and grow in grace. As a single adult, finding and building meaningful community within the church can be hard. Each week we seek to build up our community of singles as we look at key passages in the Bible to help us practically live out our faith together. Additionally, we have round table interaction and practical biblical teaching to help everyone understand how to live out the Gospel in our work, family, and friendships.

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Stepping Stones to a Deeper Faith

James Saxon
Room 201-202
In-Person Only

Are you seeking truth, fellowship, and personal spiritual growth? Whether you are new to the Christian faith, the church, or just longing to grow deeper in your faith, this class is for you.

Join James Saxon for an opportunity to search the Scriptures on foundational topics and discuss key questions. Learn more about the biblical truths that anchor our faith and how to see life through God’s eyes.

This class is a combination of teaching and small group discussion. You will gain a fresh understanding of the foundation of our Christian faith while enjoying fellowship and community.

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The Epistle of Galatians

Roger Hill
Room 237 ABCD
In-Person Only

We continue our journey of the early church as we have now finished Luke and Acts of the Apostles. The next step in this journey is now the follow up and discipling that Paul did for the first region he went to — Galatia. This spring we will fully examine Paul’s letter to the Galatians. How were they doing? Did they continue in the faith? Did they really understand what the gospel was all about? Those and many more questions we will investigate during this study. But here is a clue — in this letter Paul gave them no compliments! Troubled times for the early church for sure, but come with us and see how Paul instructed these young churches throughout the region of Galatia and how it can relate to our current troubled times as well.

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The Book of Hebrews

Andrew Bradley
Room 612-613
In-Person or Online

It is believed that Hebrews was written to Jewish converts between 64 AD and 70 AD. It was written to encourage them not to lapse under growing persecution against Christianity and mounting heresies from Judaizers. The author of Hebrews though known to the original recipients of the book is now lost to church history. Nevertheless, Hebrews is very pertinent for today where there is growing persecution, and many are turning their backs on the faith. The author of Hebrews simply points to the superiority of Christ and encourages us to remain faithful. Join us as we study this God-inspired book that will encourage in us in our faith just as it did the early Christians.

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The Epistle of Ephesians

Monte Johnson
Room 611
In-Person or Online

We will continue our study of the “Life and Letters of Paul,” following the timeline as outlined in the Book of Acts. At this point in our study, Paul is on his 3rd missionary journey, has just left Ephesus, and is traveling in and around Macedonia. Here, he writes the letter to the Christians in Ephesus.

Come and join us as we discover the truths Paul writes to the church at Ephesus that were relevant to both the 1st Century and for all who have followed. In addition to the truths and related applications, we will have the opportunity to know what Paul meant when he wrote, we are “in Christ,” and all that means!

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The Gospel of Matthew and Christ’s teaching to his disciples in the Sermon on the Mount

Baker Smith and Huck Whitener
Room 234
In-Person or Online

Christ’s Sermon on the Mount was directed to His disciples to think and act like Christians. Likewise, Christ’s Great Commission called his followers to make disciples and teach them to obey everything he had commanded. When Jesus rescues us by His grace from the kingdom of darkness and transfers us to His kingdom, He exhorts us to live our lives to give glory to God and to draw others to Christ. As we respond to His teaching, Jesus promises us that we will be like the wise man who built his house on the rock and will be able to withstand any storm without falling. As doers of God’s Word, we not only become more conformed to the image of His Son, but also receive blessings overflowing with blessings. Please join us for this exciting study as you strengthen your confidence and assurance of victory in Christ.

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The Heart of Wisdom

Zack Carden
Room 229 ABC
In-Person Only

Solomon asked for wisdom instead of riches, and the Lord amply supplied. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, the Lord amply supplies us with wisdom in Christ. This semester we will look at the themes of the Book of Proverbs and how that wisdom, by the Spirit’s power, can change our hearts.

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Was America Established as A Christian Nation, And Does It Remain One Today?

Bobby Mitchell, Sr.
Room 239
In-Person or Online

Was America established as a Christian nation, and does it remain one today? If the answer to those questions is “Yes,” then we need to determine how we should live as Christians. This class is based on the application of God’s Word to today’s culture. What are the challenges and the call on our lives? What is the role of revivals and awakenings? How can we, as Christians, stand up and make a difference? Will God bless us again, or is this the end times? Come join us for this challenging study!

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Women’s Group – The Gospel of Luke

Tonja Brice, Laurie Graffo, and Sherrie Rodriguez
Room 607-610
In-Person or Online

The Gospel of Luke gives us a beautiful portrait of our compassionate Savior, Jesus Christ. The book covers the life of Jesus and all He began to do and teach until the day he was taken up to heaven. Luke’s portrayal of Jesus reveals the love and mercy of Christ to all people – no matter their station in life. Join us as we explore key insights we can share with everyone.

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