
Why Join A Church?

Many people wonder why they should officially join a church …  why not just attend?

We gladly welcome visitors and regular attenders, but we also believe church membership is biblical. This commitment blesses the member and the church body.

When you join The Church of The Apostles you are committing to being part of our spiritual family. Through this covenant relationship, the church provides you with personalized pastoral care, in addition to worship services and discipleship opportunities. You commit to growing as a believer, protecting the peace and purity of the church, and supporting the church body with your time and talent.

Membership Process

There is a simple but intentional process for membership at The Church of The Apostles. This process ensures you have a chance to get fully acquainted with the church, including our core values and doctrinal beliefs. This also gives the church leaders an opportunity to get to know you better and help you assess the best path for you to integrate and grow as a part of this community.

Take The First Step

The first step in the new member process is attending one of our quarterly First Look Lunches.

Join us as Jonathan Youssef and our ministry team walk you through the church mission and vision and provide you with specific resources to help you as you prayerfully consider membership.

Our First Look Luncheon is designed to help you better understand The Church of The Apostles. We want you to know who we are, why we are here, and where we are going in the years ahead.

As you prayerfully consider membership, we want you to learn more about our church and what it means to belong to our family.

Our leadership team looks forward to meeting you and sharing how the Lord is using the church to make disciples, impact culture, and reach the lost in Atlanta and around the globe.


Michael Youssef, Ph.D.

First Look Luncheon

January 26 | 12:00–1:30 p.m.

If you have questions, please contact Mary O’Brien at 404-564-6688 or

7 Benefits of Belonging

Below are some of the many blessings of membership:

  • Growing closer to God. (Matthew 22:37-39; 1 Corinthians 15:3-4)
    Inside a community of like-minded believers, you are encouraged to worship, pray, and learn.
  • Being known and loved. (Genesis 1:27)
    No matter your story, you will be respected and embraced as someone made in the image of God.
  • Receiving support when you need it. (Galatians 6:2)
    All of us experience difficult times. Having a pastor, small group, and church family there to encourage and pray for you is invaluable.
  • Discovering your spiritual gifts. (1 Corinthians 12:4-7)
    Each of us was created uniquely by God with talents and abilities that can help others. We’ll help you discover, develop, and deploy your spiritual gifts.
  • Building lasting friendships. (Philippians 2:1-2; Hebrews 10:24-25)
    Our church is a family united by our shared love for Jesus. This commonality creates a bond that serves as a foundation for relationship building.
  • Being equipped. (Ephesians 4:11-16)
    We teach the truth of the Bible as the primary source for spiritual growth and daily living. This truth gives us the confidence to understand and live out Godly values.
  • Being a blessing to others. (Philippians 2:3-8)
    We all want to make a difference. Belonging to a community opens our eyes to the needs around us and allows us to work together to make an impact for Christ.
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