Men’s Ministry

We have several opportunities for men in Atlanta to grow spiritually, become accountable, and build friendships.

In our weekly gathering called, The Hub, and in our small groups, you can grow in God’s Word, share life with other men, and minister to others by using your spiritual gifts.

Come find your place to belong at Apostles.

The Hub

Tuesday Mornings | The Commons | 7:00 – 8:00 a.m. (6:45 a.m. Breakfast)

Men, join us at The Hub to be:

  • Equipped by God’s Truth.
  • Encouraged by God’s People.
  • Empowered by God’s Spirit.

As men, we all want to make a difference at home, at work, and in all areas of our lives. But, sometimes, we get stuck. The Hub is designed for men of all ages to be equipped, encouraged, and empowered for real change.

Join us for a complimentary light breakfast, challenging teaching, and interactive discussion around the tables. You’ll leave differently than when you came.

To find out more about The Hub, contact Jeff Falkowski at

Men’s Small Groups

Weekday Mornings

Marriage, children, work, home, faith—the challenges abound. In today’s world, it’s tough to be who God has called us to be. How do we follow Him and lead others? How do we balance the demands at work with the responsibilities at home? How do we love our wives like Christ loved the Church?

God did not intend for you to discover these answers by yourself. You were created to live in community with other men who are wrestling with the same issues. Come join other men at the church to study Scripture, apply it to real life, and sharpen your focus on Christ.

To find out more about Men’s Small Groups, contact Rhonda Saduddin at or 404-564-3152.

Radical Mentoring

Radical Mentoring is a unique men’s small group mentoring process designed to equip the next generation of men to form thriving relationships with God and others. Meetings are set up to minimize conflicts with work and men’s busy schedules. Groups explore a wide variety of timely discipleship topics and practices, meeting together monthly for discussion, community, and encouragement to become more like Jesus.

For more information, contact Cris Jackson at

The Path – Men’s Mentoring


The Path facilitates mentoring relationships between men who desire to have accountability for their lives. Our primary source of guidance comes from the Bible being applied to our lives by the Holy Spirit. As a reference for our mentors, we use The Heart of Mentoring by Dave Stoddard and To the Heart and Back by Anson Ramsey.

Mentoring is a process that is uniquely tailored to the needs of the young mentee. Mentors open their lives, sharing their successes or failures and, above all, what they learned from their experiences. They listen well and don’t have an agenda or want to change their mentees; instead, mentors desire to help their mentee navigate the narrow path of the Christian life.

You can register for The Path by filling out this registration form.

For more information, contact Mike Slaughter at or 404-219-6039(mobile) or Rhonda Saduddin at or 404-564-3152.

Copyright © 2025 - The Church of The Apostles - 3585 Northside Parkway, Atlanta, Georgia 30327
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