Tuesday Prayer Ministry
by Julie Van Gorp
Our heart as a prayer group is to pray for revival in the Church, in our nation, and in our world. We actually use the very headlines and daily news that otherwise might overwhelm and depress us as a launching pad for our prayers; we apply God’s Word to those situations and intercede that God’s will be done in and through them. He turns our ‘mourning into dancing’ as we focus on the reality that He is good and ‘over and above’ every situation! By praying together, we realize afresh that no matter how dark it gets, the Light shines forth and that nothing is too big for our God for whom ‘nothing is impossible’!
We pray for the salvation of those who currently stand against God’s Word, as well as praying for strength and boldness for pastors, other ministers of the gospel, and the Body as a whole to boldly proclaim the ‘good news’ of the gospel regardless of the cost. We also pray for the election of godly leaders, and for elected and appointed leaders at the local, state and national levels to rule with justice and wisdom in accordance with God’s will. In addition, we pray for such topics as pro-life legislation and for God’s view on marriage and morality to prevail in our nation and world. Our prayers also include world leaders and global news events, as well as missionaries and those who are persecuted for their faith. We pray for our unsaved family members as well as the lost throughout the world to come to know the love and power of Jesus.
We have seen countless answers to our prayers—‘surprise’ election results and the passage of legislation in line with God’s word; miraculous physical healings; doors that had been closed be opened for missionaries; and the salvation of lost family members! We find hope and encouragement from looking to the Lord, focusing upon Who He is, praying His Word, standing together upon His promises, and trusting in His loving character and His sovereign power. Every participant would say they have grown more in love with the Lord and deeper in their faith due to spending time in prayer with the Lord and experiencing the joy of Christ-centered fellowship with one another. Here are just a few testimonies:
I’ve had a burden for prayer for the past 15 years, and I yearned to have a deeper prayer life, which I found when I joined the Tuesday prayer group. I’ve found a group of dedicated women who understand the power, significance, and urgent need for prayer. This ‘prayer privilege’ has blessed me beyond words, and has grown me spiritually. It’s the best investment of my time and energy to pray for ‘God’s kingdom to come on earth as it is in heaven’! Nancy
Due to this prayer group, I’ve been driven to the Scriptures with a new intensity and have learned to take His Word and pray it back to Him in praise and supplication. I feel encouraged and hopeful as we boldly ask God to do for the Church and our world what He has done in the past, for the sake of Christ & the glory of His Name! Linda
For more information contact:
Julie Van Gorp