Our Location:
3585 Northside Parkway NW
Atlanta, GA 30327
About Us:
How Can I Be Saved?
Our Leadership
Our Team
Sundays | 9:00 – 10:15 a.m. | Room 607-610 | In Person and Online
Leaders: Tonja Brice, Laurie Graffo, Sherrie Rodriguez
The book of Acts in the Bible is about the history of the Christian church and the spread of the gospel of Jesus Christ. It highlights how the Holy Spirit guided and empowered the apostles and the early church in their missionary work. Come join us and discuss what we can learn today through this history.
Register Online »Mondays, January 20 – April 14 | 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. | Room 237
Leaders: Reatha Rivera
Come explore our vast spiritual riches in Christ! In “You’re Richer Than You Know,” we’ll unpack Christ’s immeasurable riches that He has given to each Believer!
Register Online »Tuesdays, January 14 – March 18 | 6:45 – 7:45 a.m. | Room 244 | In-Person & Online
Leaders: Sandi Myers & Wendy Mobley
We warmly invite you to journey with us into the sanctuary of the heavenly places where we find every spiritual blessing in Christ by the power of His Holy Spirit. “A Study of Ephesians, God’s Glorious Display” reminds us that God is our source of all spiritual riches and all that is good is found in Him. We will explore and be refreshed by spiritual truths concerning the Christian life, including our position in Christ, our life in the world, and our attitude toward the enemy. Come and join us in person or via Zoom and be reinvigorated in your walk with the Lord.
Register Online »Tuesdays, January 21 – April 1 | 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. | Room 237
Leader: Vicki Gillespie
Many people think the Book of Acts is primarily about the acts of the Apostles following Jesus’ Assertion to Heaven. However, Lloyd Ogilvie says that the Book of Acts “ is a biography of the Holy Spirit, the Risen Christ” and what He had done on earth after His Assertion. Certainly, the Holy Spirit is the central character of the Book as His name is mentioned over 50 times and traces HIs influence through the birth and growth of the infant church. In tracing the history of the infant church, the Apostle Paul’s ministry carries the work of the spread of the Gospel through the Roman Empire. However, the story ends without conclusion…Paul is in prison and the future of the church is certainly not settled. The last chapter of Acts is not the end of the story: the Holy Spirit continues Jesus saving work into our day. We are living in the next chapter of Acts, not yet written, but being written in our lives. So, the book ends with “to be continued”…
Join us as we read the Book of Acts and look for the work of the Holy Spirit and our effectual calling to be salt and light in our cultural moment—the continuation of the Book of Acts in our lives.
Register Online »Tuesdays, January 7 – March 18 | 10:00 – 11:30 a.m. | Room 229
Leader: Anne Hayes
If you want to know for yourself what the future holds prophetically, you could not find a better study than Daniel, God’s blueprint for all the prophecy. Every single event will find its place in the overall scheme of Daniel 7-12. You are about to discover God’s truth as you “Gain Understanding of the Time of the End”. We are living in anticipation of the 2nd coming of the Lord and we only have this life to prepare for that glorious day. Let’s press on so we will hear Him say, “Well done.” Chapters 7-12 are the prophetic portions of the book so please don’t hesitate to join us.
Register Online »Mondays, February 17 – April 14 | Room 229
MORNING CLASS: 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
EVENING CLASS: 6:30 – 8:00 p.m.
Leader: Charlotte Travis
How does this affect the Kingdom of God? Is it born of God? Where is my focus? These are some questions we’ll begin to filter our lives through as we grow in our understanding of what it means to have an eternal mindset. In this verse-by-verse study of Colossians, we will feed on the letter Paul wrote under inspiration of the Holy Spirit to help us hop on board with the plans God has for our lives with all eyes on Him.
Register Online – Morning Class »
Register Online – Evening Class»Thursdays, January 9 – April 24 | 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. | Room 229 | In-Person & Online
Leaders: Kathy Kelley and Maureen Broggi
Jonah, who experienced the wonder of knowing God, found himself running from God’s presence instead of headlong into it. As we walk verse-by-verse through Jonah, we will see God’s timely truths and learn to stand fast in the Lord and the power of His might.
Additionally, we will see how the Lord used ordinary people – a loyal servant, a woman who desperately wanted a child, an old man who still had hope and others – and their extraordinary prayers to an extraordinary God to make all the difference.
Register Online »Thursdays, February 6 – May 29 | 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. | Room 237 | In-Person & Online
Leader: Denise Nyberg
Mark will encourage your heart and strengthen your faith. This is part 2 of a full-year study. It contains 17 weekly lessons, including guided daily Bible readings along with some basic homework. There is a group discussion as well as a short teaching synopsis. All levels of Bible knowledge will find a warm welcome and a stimulating, thoughtful environment. Many significant friendships have grown around God’s living Word. Fellowship over lunch is a frequent blessing, as desired.
*Note: Part one continues through January 30th. Feel free to join us for the end of Part One.
Register Online »Thursdays, January 23 – March 27 | 10:15 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. | The Commons
Leader: Toria Peterson
Out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks. We cannot give to our children what we do not have ourselves. At Mom2Mom, our aim is to speak into the life of each mother, getting to the heart, so the overflow will be the fruit of a well-tended soul. Our desire is that every mother would fully understand the gospel and apply grace and truth to all parts of our lives.
Our deepest need as moms is for WISDOM. Every mom wants to know what to do and how to do it. We desire to raise our children wisely in the Lord and are confronted daily with many decisions. How do we know what to do? Where do we start? When or if to start?
Our greatest hope for wisdom is anchored in Psalm 111:10-“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” What does this mean, and how does this practically apply to my parenting? As we spend the semester together, we will explore how God is not like us and how that’s a good thing! We will grow in our fear and understanding of the Lord and experience the peace He gives to our parenting. We will turn our gaze away from fearing the wrong things and grow in our understanding of rightly fearing the Lord. Our aim is to be grace-filled moms together as we put our full trust in Him.
Register Online »Thursdays, January 16 – February 27 | 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. | Room 237
Leader: Lauren Ezell
A suffering nation, Israel was a dark and unfriendly home for women. As a widowed woman, Ruth’s story began in desolation—but as in every story whose Author is God, her desolation was not without hope. As you watch that glimmer of hope bloom into a dazzling display of grace, you’ll understand why the book of Ruth is called, by some, the greatest love story of all time. This love story is much less about romance and more about restoration. This story illustrates how God can turn tragedy into joy, no matter how desperate circumstances may seem.
In this recently updated six-week study, you will explore the subject of restoration, walking verse by verse through the book of Ruth. With Scripture memory, daily study, and group discussion questions, this resource is ideal for both individual and group study.
Snacks will be provided. Fill free to come early and bring your dinner.
Register Online »Thursdays, March 6 – May 1 | 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. | Room 237
Leader: Lauren Ezell
How would you describe a woman chosen to showcase God’s redemption? Faithful. Courageous, Steadfast. But a prostitute? God’s Word says yes! God is faithful to rescue and restore sinners with the gospel of grace. No matter your past and no matter your situation, hope is possible because Jesus has made redemption possible. See the proof through the life and legacy of Rahab, a woman who God redeemed.
In this six-week study on Rahab’s life, your sense of awe for God’s redemptive work in your life will be renewed. This study contains memory verses, daily study, and group discussion questions to guide you deep into Joshua 2 and the beauty of God’s saving grace.
Snacks will be provided. Fill free to come early and bring your dinner.
Register Online »Tuesdays, Ongoing | 12:15 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. | Room 242 | In Person
Leader: Julie Van Gorp
Our heart as a prayer group is to pray for revival in the church, nation, and world. We use the headlines and daily news that otherwise might overwhelm and depress us as a launching pad for our prayers; we apply God’s Word to those situations and intercede that God’s will be done in and through them. Women of any age and life stage, whether members of COTA or visitors, who desire God’s glory and His will, are welcome to join us.
First Saturday of each month beginning in September | 9:30 – 11:00 a.m. | Room 204 | In Person
Leader: Annissa Leung
Join other single women in a small group setting to embrace prayer as an essential part of life and be able to witness how God is working in every situation of life through the power of prayer.
The church is located at 3585 Northside Parkway, NW, Atlanta, Georgia 30327. Click here for more driving directions.