Better – Women’s Ministry Bible Study

The Women’s Ministry is offering a summer class on the book of Hebrews called “Better.” It is an 11-session, verse-by-verse teaching by Jen Wilkin. Hebrews contains stories of Old Testament heroes and ways of living. It also demonstrates how the New Covenant is a completion of the Old Covenant because Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of every precious promise of God.

We are asking you to gather virtually or perhaps in your own backyard with a small group of women while following the CDC and government guidelines. We look forward to seeing an intergenerational group of women study these truths together, because not only is Jesus better, but His word says we are also better together when we seek to learn and apply the gospel in the context of community. These timeless truths will transform our lives, homes, workplaces, churches, and communities.

Please let us know if you would like to host a small group of women in your backyard or if you would like to be a participant.

When you or your host register, you will receive:

1. Cleaned study materials at the church by driving through to pick them up. Your packet will include study guides for the ladies you invite, as well as other tools for hosts to shepherd effectively.

2. A virtual link to be encouraged, equipped, and engaged. We will send a Zoom invitation to those who step out in faith to equip the saints to reach the lost for Christ for the work of service.

3. Access to each of the 45-60 minute teaching videos on the book of Hebrews.

4. A weekly encouraging email as well as any help to shepherd your group.

Finally, if you are only interested in joining a study instead of hosting one, please do your best to invite someone to participate who might not otherwise sign up. That way, the ones hosting the studies, either online or in a small local community, can be free to focus on their role as a shepherd, while you help build the community! There is no better time in history to be grounded in this eternal truth!

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